Monday, September 9, 2019

Vacuum Chamber for Rocket Altimeter Testing

Vacuum chamber for rocket altimeter testing. Savaged vacuum pump. 6" acrylic tube. Seal ring designed in SolidWorks and 3D Printed in Taulman Nylon. USB pass through. SMC Vacuum sensor.

Aquarium ATO System

Aquarium ATO(Automatic Top Off) system that has dual reed magnetic float switches and a case for solid state relay to control a top off pump.

EcoTech MP10 Mount

EcoTech MP10 wall mount. Designed in SolidWorks. 3D printed in black PLA. 

Throttle Lever

Replacement throttle lever for outboard boat motor. Recreated in SolidWorks. 3D printed in black PLA.

American Food Equipment Design Work

A few pictures of the equipment I designed for American Food Equipment between 2016 and 2019. Designed in SolidWorks. Fabricated in 304SS.

Reef Aquarium Light Rack

Rack to hold lights over a reef aquarium. It uses standard aluminum 1" angle for the horizontals. Designed in SolidWorks. Printed in Black PLA.

Needle Cutter

Needle Cutter head for my MPCNC. This is used instead of a spindle for cutting foam sheets. The brush less motor operates at 8k-10k RPM moving a music wire needle up and down. Designed in Solidworks. Printed in black PLA.