Monday, October 5, 2015

Experimental Sounding Rocket

Experimental Sounding Rocket designed for ME senior design.  I did the most of the CAD, MATLAB numerical analysis, 3D printed payload design, and electronics.



3D printed robot arm for my ME478 
mechatronics class final. 

The task was to pick from a belt and place on a grid pattern.

The arm was designed in Solidworks and printed in PLA.  

The steppers are controlled with GRBL and  custom kinematics are preprocessed on a separate UNO.

A custom RF controller was also developed in Eagle.

Autonomous car

Autonomous car designed for mechatronics course.

This path run was performed using wheel encoder data.

Absurd Crane

Absurd counter balanced mobile crane
designed in Solidworks for ME class.

My 3D Printer

I designed this system back in 2009.  It has ball screws, NEMA34 motors, and Gecko drives.  It was recently converted from EMC2 to RAMPS.


My Benchmaster mill setup for some CNC work.


Servo driven JEDEC tray machine vision inspection system designed in 2001

All Electric Brewery